pad mainz

Quelques-uns le demeurent / Some Remain So ATTENTION: CANCELLED !!!

Attention please: Alexandre Fandard is ill and must cancel his performance! Therefore we will start at 8 pm directly with El Cuco Projekt.


„We are all born mad. Some remain so.“

Inspired by Samuel Beckett`s quote from the book Waiting for Godot, the Choreographer and Dancer Alexandre Fandard gives a little glimpse of the daily madness hidden in all of us. His dance-solo Some remain so achieves this through his congenial and minimalistic plays with Light. He sets Armand Amars version of Vivaldi`s “Cum Dederit” in contrast to the abrupt and energetic movements of Krump Dance (a dance style from the USA). He combines modern noise – compositions with tender, subtle, almost fragile dance – sequences, in which he puts the focus on particular parts of the body, just to fall back in an almost painful looking fight over the control of his body. Listening to Schubert he oscillates himself to easiness, but the Pursuit against gravity ends  with a return to earth. Fandard accomplishes to show us his inner condition and make them comprehensible: the inner conflict, the despair, the loneliness of the modern idividual and the failure in the fight against the slow eruption of Madness.

Comment of the festival team: ten strong and dense minutes – impressive, thrilling and at the same time esthetically very attractive! a little dance pearl !

Conception/interpretation: Alexandre Fandard
Collaboration: Mélina Lakehal
Light design: Alexandre Fandard & Mélina Lakehal
Sound: Alexandre Fandard & Noël Rasendrason
Costumes: Gwendolyn Boudon

tickets and prices
(Attention: evening ticket! Also including the performance of El Cuco Project on same evening):

artist talk with Alexandre Fandard and El Cuco Projekt

pad mainz