pad mainz


Captcha, the new performance by El Cuco Project, deals with intelligence: with human intelligence, artificial intelligence, and the intelligence of natural systems. Once again, deceptively real-looking animal masks are used: a group of “bats” shows how intelligence has always worked silently in the most diverse networks and structures in nature – in tree roots, insect colonies, the complicated elements of the climate, and even in bat colonies.

Bats organize and disorganize themselves by blending the elements of nature with human technologies, habits, and forms of communication. Human organization is juxtaposed with the seemingly chaotic organization of nature, and characters oscillate between the two systems.

If AI algorithms evolve and decide for themselves, what form would they take? Would they follow linear shapes like those of an Excel spreadsheet or Ikea furniture? Or would they follow the chaotic geometry of spreading liquids, the shape of galaxies or tree roots?

El Cuco Projekt have been guests at the pad several times and are among our audience’s favourites. We are looking forward to the new bizarre bat project!

02.09. | 6 pm | schon schön | Große Bleiche 60-62 |


Idea, choreography, text as well as masks & stage set: Sonia Franken & Gonzalo Barahona

Performance: Carla Jordão, Jimin Seo, Margherita Dello Sbarba

Composition: Timm Roller

Costume design: Lena Thelen

Dramaturgy: Li Kemme

Outside Eye: Barbara Fuchs, Benedetta Reuter, Eva-Maria Baumeister and Marcelo Omine

Lighting: Roman Sroka


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pad mainz