pad mainz

tickets and prices International Performance Festival 2016

Entrance single Performance:      12 € / red.* 9 €

Evening Entrance:                          19 € / red.* 15 €
(Entrance to all Performances of one evening)

FESTIVAL-PASS:                             45 € / red.* 35 €


Reservation is recommended:

just send an an email to:

or call us under:
06131 88 694 32

The Entrance desc opens and cells tickets 30 minutes before the beginning of a show.

Reservated tickets are hold back until 15 minutes before the beginning of a show.



Reduced Prices are available for pupils, students, trainees, unemployed people, handicapped people and everybody who can prove or make credible, that he cannot afford the full price.


Special quota for students of the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz:

[in negotiation – Info coming soon]

pad mainz