.. the new all-around feel-good format in the pad
With their proven durational improvisational perfromance “nonstoponstage”
The two performers Peter Schulz and Nic Schmitt have repeatedly proved that creative, aesthetic and content demanding performance and exciting entertainment must not be mutually exclusive.
This time in the new all-round feel-good format WATCH & EAT: while the non-stop performance is improvised for four hours on stage, so that no one starves while watching theĀ performance, there will be a culinary Mama Schmitt & Mama Schulz soup bowl at the foyer.
Viewers can look forward to three very different performances: For each of the three dates, the two performers set a different content or aesthetic theme and create a completely new durational performance live in front of the audience. The topic info is available one week before the event on the homepage www.pad-mainz.de
Whether three minutes, half an hour or the full four hours, the length of time in the auditorium determines each self.
Topic: INPUT- the audience is able to influence the performance directly.
Admission: Between 6- 10 pm everyone can come and go, whenever he likes.
Admission: You pay at departure at your own discretion.