pad mainz


food for body and soul:

Schmitt&Schulz are improvising performance scenes while their mums are serving homemade soups.

Watch (stage):     nonstoponstage
Durational-Performance-Improvisation by Schmitt&Schulz

Eat (Foyer):         Mum’s Soup
homemade soups by mum Schmitt and mum Schulz

is a durational stage improvisation experiment for two actors, who enter an empty stage, not having the faintest clue what is going to happen there. All activity develops spontaneously, on impulse, by chance, on sudden inspiration, influenced by the reaction of the audience. The performers only leave the stage for brief moments in order to snatch costumes, accessories, props or to catch their breath. Otherwise, the artists aim at keeping the stage filled with action until the very end, thus creating a permanent flow of aesthetic and highly innovative performance scenes.
nonstoponstage has no limits. Everything might happen, nothing has to. Acting on the spur of the moment, incorporating impromptu ideas or fragments of text, movement and sound, props and costumes, the actors are creating one abstract scene after the other. In an atmosphere of absurd aesthetics, exciting, intense and sometimes funny moments, theyare revealing themselves to the audience in unexpectedly quirky interactions. The actors may be calm and concentrated at one moment, cheerful and lively or wild and dangerous at the next … but they are always on the spot and constantly in action. Whether it’s three minutes, half an hour or the total duration of eight hours – it’s up to each individual visitor for how long he or she chooses to watch.

Mum’s Soup
is served in our cosy foyer, where you can take a break. Two different soups and a selection of beverages are prepared to strengthen your body and to revive your spectator spirits.

Motto of 8th June
King Artur

come and go whenever it suits you between 6pm and 10pm.

pay as much as you are willing to pay when leaving the theatre.

More Info + Video-Clips of nonstoponstage


pad mainz