pad mainz

Trajectory: a Tragedy of a Victory

Is it possible to expose the tragedy oft the human mind in a choreograpy?

Inspired by Georg Steiner’s essay ‘Ten (possible) reasons for the sadness of thought’, the choreographer Margarita Trikka translates the human thought process into a sensory experience in her modern pas de deux „Trajectory: A Tragedy of a Victory“.

Tragedy and Victory merge into one in the title of this minimalistic and captivating dance performance. And so the two dancers Hara Kotsali and Candy Karra seemingly do when they are dancing the different facets of relationships between people, trapped in a continuous spiral-shaped movement, accompanied by a hypnotizing soundtrack. With each other, around each other, in harmony at times, conflicting at others, they are rotating with increasing intensity around an imaginary focal point, just like human thoughts are rotating relentlessly around themselves again and again in our heads.

Intelligent but not overly intellectual, an emotional and choreographic perpetuum mobile, which once it has started makes you feel dizzy while watching and which keeps spiralling in your mind’s eye, your thoughts and emotions after the show.

With the support of Arc for Dance Festival

Choreography: Margarita Trikka
Performers: Candy Karra, Hara Kotsali
Dramaturgy Consultant: Dimitra Mitropoulou
Original Music: Sancho 003
Set- Costumes: Artemis Flessa
Light Design: Nikos Vlasopoulos
photos: Manos Arvanitakis

  • Sat, 29th April 8 pm + Sun, 30st April 7 pm

tickets and prices

pad mainz