pad mainz

The Proformance



The ultimate quest for the perfect performer
The mechanization and digitization of our world is progressing. In the wake of the constant broadening and improving of our possibilities the demands increase … Optimization is the goal.
Only the performing arts – as anachronistic – still work analogously with actors of flesh and blood and can therefore no longer compete in technological competition.
But that’s finally over now:
The performer duo Schmitt & Schulz has now developed an update. In search of the perfect performer for the ultimate high-end performance, they will show their audience the stages of their latest stage research project.

The final product:
An absolutely new art form; the theater form of the future; optimized stage presentation in high-tech format, which can no longer be grasped with the old terminology:
The Proformance!
For the development of Proformance Schmitt & Schulz take the decisive step:
They exchange the high-end performance inadequate and with too many flawed human actors in a groundbreaking scientific-artistic test series against various artificial and nature-identical models.

In the partly documentary and experimental demonstration, of course, small development errors or technical breakdowns can not be completely avoided.
We therefore ask the audience to understand if not all sources of interference have been eliminated in the presentation. At updates and additional programs, however, is currently working feverishly.

Be a witness to the birth of the perfect, totally artificial actor, the pro master!

Additional Program:

22.11.2014 at 8 pm
18.11.2014 at 8 pm

pad mainz