pad mainz

Dance without Dancers part 2 – choreographic performance



During fall last year, Schmitt & Schulz outdated on contemporary dance for the first time and presented their audience with a “dance without dancers” a self-designed evening choreography. For the five-year pad anniversary, the two now want to pick up their new format again and dance for their birthday guests.
This time, they have created choreographic miniatures, which were first and foremost created during the eight-hour improvisation marathon “nonstoponstage” for the Mainz Museum Night in June 2012, and compiled a choreography of a different kind.
Driven by sound compositions from old fairytale records and never-ending repetitive loops from the CD player, the performers act in strange costume creations on the otherwise empty black stage and with a few means create grotesque scenic images that give the viewer lasting impressions as well as the most adventurous associations.


That neither Schulz nor Schmitt are professional dancer but that does not bother them at all. Because is not really dancing anyway … .or is it? Where is the border between performative action and contemporary dance? Do you still need dancers for contemporary choreography?



In connection:

5 years pad anniversary celebration. All guests are welcome!
How to celebrate? Let’s see … Who does not want to celebrate, is your own fault 😉

Admission: We gladly accept volunteer gifts.

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pad mainz