pad mainz


Ritual group dance or disinterred ballet – contemporary and archaic at the same time.

This year the group LaCerda travels from Barcelona to Mainz again, this time with their new piece TanGo (in their luggage). With their minimalistic performance, the five performers hijack the audience into their own, dark world. Faceless and anonym the androgynous ballerinas, covered with bitumen, celebrate an archaic festival, in which in permanent repetition even the sound of movements comes to the fore, until it is drowned by electronic beats. The choreography sets free an impulsive, hypnotic force, which audiovisually casts a spell over the audience.

A ritual in search of the self?
A triumph over the death of the individual celebrated by the collective?
A cry of the ugly for freedom?
Grim, vivid, native, cruel and dirty – Just like last year, LaCerda creates aesthetic shudderings with their mysterious and rousing style.

Director: Edward Tamayo
Creation and performance: Johann Pérez, Laura Martinez, Michele Altini, María Carbonell, Pilar Rodriguez Catón, Sofi a Pisano
Original music: Kristoffer Wilhelmsson
Costume Design: Pilar Rodriguez Catón
Textil intervention: Laura Martinez y Pilar Rodriguez Catón
Lighting design: Mauricio Pabón

  • Fr, 21st + Sa, 22nd April, 9 pm

tickets and prices

pad mainz