pad mainz

A Night of Folk Song



The story of Dramazone is a story of defeat. Ideas in unheated rooms are broken off, the competition blasphemes blatantly and technical problems prevent the printing of exuberant reviews.

With ‘A Night of Folk Songs’ the free theater and performance group Dramazone wants to turn the tide in 2010 with the “Angstbörse” and in 2011 with “If you save me ..” in the pad, the big audience has come and with him the Success. Dramazone uses the well-proven mechanisms of ‘A Night of Folk Songs’ and tries to bring the big show on stage. The pressure to really succeed, to become successful and well known, increases with your own expectations.

For a year, the performers kept a diary of their own defeats. Descriptions of these individual crises were written on the sunny, mass-compatible melodies of the hit song. The premiere should finally cleanse all of it. But the discomfort grows: Can the appropriation of such a form be the solution? Will the Schlagerparade entertainment format be more successful in the end than any previous desperate attempt with high artistic standards?

Dramazone climbs into the dark depths of the hit with Adorno and Florian Silbereisen and embarks on a journey through their own crises and defeats. To clap along!
‘A Night of Folk Songs’ is a coproduction with Treibstoff Theatertage Basel.

Duration: approx. 70 minutes

pad mainz