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(c) Alex Brenner

>>> Trailer >>>

No performance without audience! This assumption is taken literaly by the dancer and performer Marco Chenevier of the italian artist-collective Aldes. He presents us a quintett for five performers, which can`t happen without the help of a willing audience. In times of radical cuts of cultural funding, we as spectators have to choose: Do we just want to be mere consumers, or do we want to have an active part in the artistic processes? Everything depends on the active, or passive attitude of the audience in this low-budget performance. Marco Chenevier improvises in this ludicrous arrangement-elaborate like a conductor- an unbelievable Breakdance-Performance with the help of the audience. The whole performance supposedly deals with the meaning of the number five- the five fingers of a hand, the five points of a star, the five as a number, which-as is generaly known- has a very special meaning for mankind 😉 Every show is unique and interactive, thanks to the adventurous improvisations. A rapid amusement for the whole family, but nevertheless a part of a bitter truth, which can`t be neglected in its actuality.

The performance is devoted to the neurobiologist an holder of the Nobelprice Rita Levi-Montalcini, who advocated her whole life for artists, by fighting against cuts in cutural fundings.

direction, choreography, dance: Marco Chenevier
production: ALDES, Tida (2013, with support from Mibact and Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta) with support from MIBAC General Directorate for the Performing Arts, TUSCANY REGION/ Regional Performing Arts System

tickets and prices

artist talk with Marco Chenevier


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