pad mainz

prinzenproklamation im pad, Care Series, Season 3, Application 1


Carnevals- Performance

Three years ago, the pad team asked themselves: What does a venue that is actually dedicated to the contemporary forms of representation do, in the middle of the carnival stronghold Mainz, during carnival? Taking a break?
The answer is clear: just the opposite: a carnival performance.
Meanwhile, the carnival performance in the pad has blossomed into the traditional agenda of the annual fool’s day.

In the last years the pad ensemble tried to show the audience the “contemplative, rather sad and profound side of carnival” as the true origin of the carnival of Mainz. Schmitt & Schulz together with three other performers are now trying to show the other side of the merry “Meenzer Fassenach”. This year, they are concentrating all their creative energy on practicing a traditional Rhineland-Palatinate carnival in connection with all the rules of the festival culture. In a festive “Prinzenproklamation” Schmitt & Schulz enthrone the Pad’s own carnival prince couple: Prince Udo I (formerly pad stage technician) and Princess Heike I. (Winner of the casting performance in 2010). Will the team succeed in creating serious documentary theater from the traditional elements and rules of the Meenzer Fassenacht, between ballet speeches, men’s ballet and narhallamarsch? Your most important concern here: to keep track and raise foolish mirth.

pad mainz