pad mainz

Prince proclamation at the pad



…a cynical satire on the “Meenzer Fassenacht”

Meanwhile, the format carnival performance in pad has blossomed to the traditional program point of the annual fool’s day and is now in the fourth round in 2012 already.
After the pad ensemble in the first two carnival performances (2009 and 2010) tried to the audience the “contemplative, rather sad and profound Carnival” to underline the actual origin of the carnival of Mainz

Schmitt & Schulz, collaborating with three other performers now – as well as in 2011 – the attempt to approach the cheerful Meenzer Fassenacht carefully and concentrate all their creative energy on a traditional Rhineland-Palatinate “Saalfastnacht” by all the rules of this festival culture.

In a solemn “Prinzenproklamation” Schmitt & Schulz enthrone the pad-own carnival prince couple: Prince Udo I. (Udo Heinrichs, former pad-stage technician) and Princess Heike I. (Heike Preiß, winner of the casting performance in 2010). The correctness of the ceremonial performance is monitored by the 70-year-old retiree Alice Schmitt. President Peter Schulz and event director Nic Schmitt manage to create a serious documentary theater from the traditional elements and rules of the Meenzer Fassenacht between ballet speeches, the men’s ballet and the Narhallamarsch? Your most important concern here: to keep track and raise foolish mirth. (Duration approx. 80 min)

pad mainz