pad mainz

Care Series Weekend at the pad

Performance on 23. January 8pm on stage

Friday, January 23 – Sunday, January 25
Schmitt & Schulz show the last three “applications” of the care series from 2008 in compressed form:

Friday, January 23, I 8pm
About the possibility or impossibility to make an insightful performance. With Dr. Treznok as an unsuspecting object.

Saturday, 24th of January I 8pm
The current five-piece pad ensemble travels through space and time with the audience, using odd Star Trek and Teletubbies bonds. 30 million years pad- what will that look like?

Sunday, January 25 I 3pm
The duo Schmitt & Schulz deal with the cliché of nudity in performance art.
Then coffee and cake at the end of the care weekend.

pad mainz