pad mainz

NOTHING for 60min

Foto Jubin Kim


How do others look at us? Do they see only a small part of what we know about us? Do they maybe see something different in us?

In their multimedia dance solo the composer Mathhias Erian and dancer and choreograph Howool Baek make single body parts dance formations on big screening. After the artistic duo has already filled the audience with enthusiasm at the dance weekend 2015 by performing Did U Hear, they show us in NOTHING for 60min images of the body that are totally different form what we are used to see: Filmed in Macro-Zoom and extended on screening even little body details grab our attention. That way, the smallest movements of a hand, a foot, elbow or finger become a large-format dance. By alienation and duplication an exciting confusion of recognition and estrangement is created: a world with scary deep sea beings and fantastic dream landscapes, abstract meditative mandalas but still the pure human body in detail that – as an example for the origin of this world – is visible in the foreground, standing, sitting, lying, moving.

In this genious combination of dance, video art and abstract electronic sounds permanently new interpretations of spectacular and bizarr images are created in the head of the viewer caused by Howool Baek in this virtuous game of body deconstruction.

Choreography, Dance, Live Video Streaming: Howool Baek
Composition, Live Music, Live Video Streaming:
Matthias Erian
AsiaNow / Korea, En-Knap / Slovenia

Tickets and prices

pad mainz