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Anecdotes of a journey from the equator to Tierra del Fuego – Lecture Performance
Actor and speaker Harald Preis in an adventurous talk about the authentic and fictional stories from distant worlds.

Did you know that Peruvian giant snakes do not eat nuns and that, if they did occur, it was certainly just a mistake? Are you aware thatĀ  you should at least be drunk when walking through the rainforest in socks and underpants during a tropical storm? Are you familiar with the electric rats of Huaraz? No? Harald Preis will be happy to help you! Listen to him tell his bizarre, amusing and thrilling experiences, with anecdotes, fairy tales and travel stories from South America and the Spanish-speaking world: Stories about the god of sun, electric rats, wild dogs, harmless volcanic eruptions and really only very light earthquakes. Stories that have one thing in common: on a six-month journey from Ecuador to Tierra del Fuego, they were all heard, seen, experienced, collected and written down by Harald Preis himself. However, you will be served three fist-thick stories of lies. Will you find out which ones thoseĀ  are? Because caution: The truth is no less bizarre than the lie and the devil is a petite young man with the eyes of a cat …

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