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EUROPA, DEUTSCHLAND, STUTTGART, Tanzlokal Stuttgart 2013, Revisiting Oskar Schlemmer - Metamorph von Eva Baumann, 07.09.2013, (c) 2013 Kien Hoang Le / Agentur FOCUS


Not only does the dancer follow the rules of the body but also does he follow the rules of the room; not only does he follow the feeling of his own but also the feeling for the room.” (Oskar Schlemmer 1924)

With her choreography metamorph (ancient Greek μορφή [morphé], engl.: shapeshifting) the dancer and choreographer Eva Baumann is approaching the works of Oskar Schlemmer. Especially the dynamic and light drawings were inspiration for breaking with the strict forms of his famous dance pieces like “Triadisches Ballett” and for rethinking the body in general.

The motive of a single character in the room is occurring throughout all of his works. Eva Baumann enlivens the stage as a deindividualized black figure: she describes and draws the room with her body.

Black on white, completely pure, in the silence of the room and extremely focused on the moment… with slowness and tranquility she creates an atmosphere in which nothing counts but the transforming body while time seems to stop.

Her body transforms into different forms and shapes like a living sculpture. Humanly, animalistic, object-like and mechanic aspects are existing side by side and are depending on each other.

But what can you see in each picture? There are no limits to the fantasy of the spectator. Feel free to associate whatever comes to your mind!

choreographie and performance: Eva Baumann

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