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Mass graves/ Bone7



The exile Iraqis Ali Alfatlaw and Wathiq Gzar Alameri process in their performances the experiences of their long journey together; from childhood through the adventurous flight from Iraq to Switzerland until today. Their performances, which are presented only once, often have war as their theme, but the electors also deal with current discourses, everyday problems or ideas that are currently buzzing in their heads. They create images, moments and associations that directly reach the viewer’s emotional world without words and are remembered for a long time to come. For the pad they show – contrary to their usual way of working – the performance “Mass Graves / Bone7”, already listed at Schlachthaus Theater Bern in 2005, which deals with the mass graves found in Iraq at the time, as well as a new, specially developed for the festival, live improvised performance to the theme of the cultural summer “Über Grenzen”.

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