pad mainz

Lachen verboten?! – Humor in Performances



Accompanying program 03.05.2012 8pm – large foyer

Contemporary performance groups such as Forced Entertainment are increasingly working with elements of comedy and consciously making humorous contributions. We put this tendency to the test and ask about the motivation and consequences of this development. Staging trick or platitude, subtle or trivial? Does the joke kill the statement or is there more laughter? A discussion about the entertainment value of performances with the artists of the festival and the podium guests. Gerald Siegmund (Head of Choreography and Performance of the Institute for Applied Theater Studies, Gießen), Martin Baasch (Curator Festival dizziness Mannheim 2012 and Lagos_live Nigeria 2012) and Wolfgang Sautermeister & Gabriele Oßwald (Performance artists, curators and artistic directors of the Künstlerhaus Zeitraumexit in Mannheim)

pad mainz