pad mainz

Elevator – boys will be boys

>>> Trailer >>>

Three men in one elevator. The elevator got stuck… an extraordinary initial situation for a dance-performance? That’s right. It’s even more unbelievable what the transylvanian group M Studio developes in their non-verbal dance-performance Elevator – boys will be boys. Because if the small room, which is always moving, suddenly stands still, its inner life – its passangers – gets excited and starts to move.

The primary comicalness of the situation turns into bitter seriousness, as the three businessmen clash toghether in the only 2×2 meters small area. As the situation of unwilling tightness escalates, the facade of the three, cool-acting machos start to crumble and they turn into childish wranglers.

With a wild and also tight choreography the three dancers create a dancing brawl, acrobatic fights and attemped reconciliations and thereby they unload their frustration, fear and also their playfull emotions infront of the audience. They’re helping each other and are laughing together just to fight again, till somebody has to cry.

With their artistic, virtuosic and energetic peroid dance-performance, M Studio is delivering a suspenseful and at the same time very funny dance-thriller about power and violence, which could not be more arresting.

Performer: Deák Zoltán, Szekrényes László, Veres Nagy Attila
Choreographer: Fehér Ferenc
Music: Fehér Ferenc

tickets and prices

artist talk with M Studio

pad mainz