pad mainz

Crime and Punishment

>>> Trailer >>>

Did you read the book? – I did. – Did you really? – A bit. – Didn’t you read it all? – Not all. – What do you mean you didn’t read it all? – But who said we had to read it all?

Two performers, two microphones in addition to one of the great classics of world literature: Dostoyevsky’s  Crime and Punishment-  Mafalda Jacinto and Joao Estevenz do not require anything else to create an astonishing piece of  improvisation, dealing with guilt, punishment and exclusion. Slowly, the stage is  altering into an arena of sharp words while both parties  interview,  question and criticize each other to continuously negotiate  the rules of loss and failure. Absurd, partly trashy reenactments of personal stories,  as well as unusual powerpoint presentations or even  spontaneous pizza deliveries lead to  Mafalda and Joao questioning their relationship and the creative process behind their piece. In that way, they unwillingly present the absurdity of their performance and consequently give their audience the opportunity to take part in it.

Mafalda Miranda Jacinto is a well known face on our stage. Together with artist Anthi Kougia, she took part in the international performance festival already two times. With Asparagus in  2017 and Mosquito in 2018. We are very  glad that she will rock our stage once again, this time with Joao Estevenz on her side.

idea & performance: João Estevens and Mafalda Miranda Jacinto
assistance: Mariana Nobre Vieira
pictures: André Picardo
video: Joana Sousa
press: Ana Duarte
production: Rabbit Hole
co-production: Teatro Municipal do Porto artistic residencies Forum Dança (Lisbon, PT), Traça (Lisbon, PT), Teatro Rivoli(Porto, PT), Teatro do Mar (Sines, PT), Eira (Lisbon, PT)
thanks to: Adriana Aboim and Rita Morais

tickets and prices

artist talk with Rabbit Hole

pad mainz