pad mainz


A dinner table set for non-existing guests.
A love story between a sardine and an asparagus.
The apple.
Insatiable mouths.
An explosion.
A dance.
These are our ingredients. You are all invited. Be our guests. Relish this experience.

Anthi Kougia (Greece) and Mafalda Miranda Jacinto (Portugal) forget all their manners (in German you say go under the table) in their culinary performance „Asparagus“. At a long banquet table – ripped from the bourgeois dining room and put onto an otherwise empty stage – the two performers explore the terrain of dining culture in their very own way. Starting innocently the performance quickly evolves into a surreal deconstruction-trip: As if it was their first time sitting at a table, the performers explore the objects and groceries so familiar to us, scrutinize, misuse and transform them. The images and stories they create this way get more absurd by the minute. The deconstruction of (eating) culture has just begun.

Being at the mercy of the destroying force of change, the table becomes a border between this mortal world and the otherworld, a tableau for the unspeakable, for private subjects, for secret wishes and for a hideout from the real world.

Comment of the festival-team:
Our wolf in sheep’s clothing! A seemingly harmless shenanigan with vegetables, which packs a punch! Marvelously relaxed. It’s fun but still intelligent.

Serving suggestion:
Watch out for the video projection surface with the close ups behind the performers, because in this chaotic feast the devil’s in the detail!

Created and performed by Anthi Kougia and Mafalda Miranda Jacinto
Light design: Nao Nagai
Set construction: Rachel Champion
Acknowledgements: Patrick Furness, Clio Alphas, Berthe Fortin, Joe Fairweather-Hole, Konstantinos Foukis and Maya Goldstein

  • Sat, 29th April 9 pm + Sun, 30st April 8 pm

tickets and prices

pad mainz