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Anarchie Leicht Gemacht – (Anarchy Made Easy)

Anarchie Leicht Gemacht (Anarchy Made Easy) – a bewildering journey of discovery

by Koprow& Pressmar

Audiowalk with exhibition —– Attention: Due to illness only a documentation of the audowalk can be shown. The QR codes for the audio files are available at the Walpodenakademie. There you can also find a photo documentation of the installation.

This audio-visual walk is consisting of five stations. Each station thematizes the concept of anarchy in a different way. Materially, the walk is based on a selection of newspaper articles from various subject areas and eras. These are set in relation to each other and to the artists’ own biographies. In this way, fictitious and true stories are interwoven into a narrative, until in the end both and nothing can be found at the individual stations. It doesn’t matter whether the viewer considers the respective stories to be true or false; he or she can only be (mis)mistaken on this audio walk. The stations of the Audiowalk consist of specific artifacts that are exhibited, are provided with respective plaques, and have a QR code. If one scans this code, one lands on the audio file for that station, which is available for listening free of charge for the duration of the festival. In this way, each person can independently experience the Audiowalk with their own smartphone.

01.09. – 04.09. | Walpodenakademie


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