pad mainz

about life


What is life really about? What is important? How should you live and how not? What do you want to accomplish? What should life have to offer for you?

Having reached about the midst of their lives, Nic Schmitt (43) and Peter Schulz (48) draw up an interim balance. They pause, look back and forwards and put their lives on the test.

The two performers and directors stage each other, so that they both create a solo-performance: at one time Nic Schmitt as solo performer directed by Peter Schulz, at one time Peter Schulz as solo performer directed by Nic Schmitt.

A two-piece solo-performance-evening unfolds about memories, wishes, goals, hopes, disappointments, successes, experiences, glitches, sentimental moments, sad occurrences, big emotions, about the small and the big luck.

En passant Schmitt&Schulz contemplate death, reflect on fundamental philosophical thoughts, construct utopias and draft approaches to solutions for world peace and against climate change.

A production by Schmitt&Schulz and the performance art depot with the support of the state of Rhineland-Palatine.

Tickets and Prices

pad mainz