pad mainz



The online-livestream variation of nonstoponstage

Over the last years, Schmitt&Schulz have been presenting their sessions of the durational performance improvisation nonstoponstage on the pad stage on countless occasions.
Now, there is no pad stage anymore. But nonstoponstage goes on – even without a stage and despite of Corona: with nonstoponline Schmitt&Schulz are taking the step into another medium. In this live stream variation of their improvisation project, they make the most out of the possibilities of online media. Schmitt&Schulz writhe, mince and jostle in unsuspected angles on the screen. As usual, Mo Walker is delivering his cool and extravagant sound compositions – now via live stream from Hamburg.

The first attempt with this ambitious project will be ventured by the three-member team (the performers Nic Schmitt & Peter Schulz and the sound/vision-DJ and tech-support Mo Walker) on Thursday, the 20th August 6-8 pm.

And that’s how you log in:
just follow the link to the Schmitt&Schulz-youtube chanel

nonstoponline live stream 20August2020

At 6 pm we will start with our live stream (you may have to click on the “Upload” button, to see the stream).


We thank the City of Bad Kreuznach for providing a rehearsal and presentation space for this project (see our new rehearsal space, front page).

pad mainz