pad mainz

Folding Echoes

In his solo dance piece Folding Echoes the young dancer and choreographer Joseph Lee from Hongkong takes the audience on an ironic and extraordinary trip of documentation.

If you feel like you didn’t understand some aspects of contemporary dance-, Joseph Lee explains it to you. As in a lecture-performance he connects his ironic treatise about communication in contemporary dance with extravagant solo dance inserts.

Lee amazes especially with his exceptional dealing with movement and language. Suddenly, a daily gesture transforms into a dance move, sometimes the language pauses, and what was a dialogue once becomes a choreography. With the help of elements of movement, light, tone and space he creates a universal, multicultural language, which is able to compete against the borders of verbal language.

On the black, empty stage, the artist sits alone on a white chair, the room is flooded with colorful lights, rhythmically adapted for transcendental, electric sounds.

Lee does not need much to take the audience to this absurd-curious, charming trip of choreography, which leaves a permanent echo in the heads of the audience.

(In english language)

Comment of the festival team:

Joseph Lee gets the pad-special-award for extra strong presence on stage, highest energy of acting, interactive depiction power and absolute physical precision!

Choreography and performance: Joseph Lee
Sound and live-musik: Hin Lo
Soundsystem-Designer: Jonathan Lee
Light Design: Lai Tze Yu

  • Wed, 26th 8pm + Fr, 28th April 9:30 pm

tickets and prices

pad mainz