pad mainz

“Grrr, I’m dancing” Universe of a dancing bear

Grrr, I’m dancing“ Universe of a dancing bear

The choreographer and dancer Mathis Kleinschnittger from Berlin now wants to present the most bearish dance of all dances the audience in Mainz.

At the beginning, he dances with rhythmic disco dance moves into a grotesque and nearly meditative trance, to then slip into different bearish roles. Dancing to modern music or wildly roaring – the versatile dancing bear shows himself in this solo dance performance representative for anyone who has to defend his inner instincts against outer compulsion. The bear is not just the fluffy, good and funny Teddy. It becomes a symbol for the loss of freedom and the repression of natural wilderness.

Kleinschnittger presents a playful and at the same time existential dance performance. A orgiastic solo which connects pleasure and pain.

Comment of the festival team:

Wild and comical, cute and frightening – this dancing bear packs a punch!

Coreography and performance: Mathis Kleinschnittger
Dramatic consultant: Jessica Huber
Light design/technique: Yina Mora, Asier Solana

  • Fr, 21st + Sa, 22nd April, 8 pm

tickets and prices

Thanks also to: Jessica Huber, Karoline Kähler, Maria Walser, Mimi Jeong, Julien Brun, Benjamin Dittrich, Anne Deuter, Kerstin Ahlrichs, Team Dock 11, Theaterhaus Mitte, Kathrin Müller, Sara Franke, Matthias Herzfeld, Anne Strauß, Künstlerhaus Lukas, Breg Horemans, Simone Detig, Christian Schwaan, Mirjana Vrbaski, Asier Solana, Yina Mora.

With support from Dock 11 & the “Arbeitsstipendium im Künstlerhaus Lukas” (encouraged by the federal province Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). And with means from the Senate Department for Culture and Europe – Department of Culture Berlin: “Einstiegsförderung 2015”.

pad mainz