pad mainz

The end! – Finale – Waiting for the Apocalypse


DAS ENDE bearb klein

As a closing event of the performance series, the performance art depot will provide a safe place for the threatened demise of the world around the clock (yes, even at night!) From the 20th to the 22nd of December 2012, presenting a diverse program to the guests seeking protection from survival workshops, appropriate film contributions and small “last” guest appearances by performers, writers, musicians and other artists.

Attention: If you want to find shelter with us at night before the imminent end of the world, you should reserve a place to sleep in time!

12.20 .:
After the last show, we open our stage for our guest artists, according to the motto “last chance, everyone is allowed!”
Later we cuddle up in our blankets and watch together doomsday movies on our screen in the foyer


Starting around 10 am Installations: [RE:artzzZ] (London):”Apocalypsis cum figuris”

Spin (Hans Bryssinck + Diederik Peeters – Belgium):
“Los Viernes”

1pm : Media monitoring, workshops

4-6pm  Performance workshop with Marie Brenneis
Topic: “Create a Performance with a Portable Sculpture” Please bring household items: empty plastic bottles, empty yoghurt cans, wool, pencils, etc.
Please register by mail to or by phone: 06131 – 8869433

6.30 presentation of the workshop material

7 pm Clear the stage! – we open our pad stage for “last performances”
Media monitoring and Skype circuits around the globe

10pm: Movie night – we watch doomsday films together


10 am: Installation: [RE:artzzZ] (London):”Apocalypsis cum figuris”

Spin (Hans Bryssinck + Diederik Peeters – Belgium):
“Los Viernes”

media monitoring

Noon: “Hooray, we’re still alive!” – We celebrate the absence of the end of the world with a joint brunch

pad mainz