pad mainz

nonstoponstage – A Durational Performance



What happens if two artists are improvising on stage for eight hours long and are constantly watched by changing audiences?
If you need to provide your audience with exciting, creative, aesthetically pleasing and content-oriented performace activity?

Schmitt & Schulz is an artist duo from Mainz founded in 2004. As a “team for contemporary forms of theater”, Peter Schulz and Nic Schmitt stage performances of various formats, mainly in their own performance venue, the performance art depot in Mainz.

Nonstoponstage is a stage experiment with which Schmitt&Schulz have already performed successfully in April of this year at the Fluxus anniversary of Künstlerhaus Zeitraumexit in Mannheim. On the basis of a performance improvisation format, which they have repeatedly performed in various versions for several years, they will dare for the second time at the Mainz Museum Night to make a valiant attempt to improvise over the entire duration of eight hours without interruption.

Schmitt & Schulz enter the stage of the pad at 5pm.
Even as they enter the stage, they do not know what’s going to happen there. Everything that arises comes spontaneously, on the spot, by accident, triggered by sudden inspiration and influenced by reactions of the audience. They only leave the stage for a short while to fetch costumes, props or stage elements.
Their goal is to play on pad stage until the end of the event is reached.

Schmitt&Schulz have no taboos in their improvisation. Everything can happen, nothing has to happen. They improvise with spontaneously conceived or found text, with impulses of movement, with well-rehearsed or self-produced sounds, as well as with a variety of materials, from which suddenly props, costumes or stage designs are created. The awesome aesthetics give the viewer sometimes exciting, sometimes funny moments, sometimes shrill situations that one would never have imagined. The performers are sometimes calm and focused, sometimes boisterous and cheerful, sometimes freaky or dangerous … but always present and always in action.

Visit or observe Schmitt & Schulz.
Be a witness to this performance marathon experiment!

Whether three minutes, half an hour or the full eight hours – each visitor determines the length of stay.
Trailer Museumsnacht:

additional dates:

16.06.2013 at 5pm

pad mainz