pad mainz

süss fel nap – scheine auf sonne

An installation that takes the viewer into an extraordinary spatial experience. A performance about dreams, fears, desires, hopes and memories.
Sensual, aesthetic, atmospheric, meditative.
Room installation: A dark corridor leads the visitor into a closed space surrounded by white foil. Sometimes, it appears in glaringly bright light and softly illuminated with minimalistic sounds and sometimes as a projection screen for the abstract short film “sweet fel nap” by the visual artist Tünde Vas from Hungary. The clinically white room, looks from the perspective of rest of the world like as if it is cut off and as if it wants to invite you to meditate in it.

Performance: In an intimate and concentrated atmosphere of this white film room, the two performers Peter Schulz and Tünde Vas invite a small group from the audience to an adventurous trip through memory lane. From sentimental childhood memories, crazy fantasies and dreams about life to philosophizing about the separability of reality and the world of dreams.The performance contains a charming, cheesy and relentless private dialogue, which audiences can listen to while the performers themselves remain in the dark.

With a lot of tranquility, colorful moods and projections, atmospheric sounds and music, this performance creates lasting images for the eyes and ears and leaves room for your own memories and thoughts.

pad mainz