pad mainz

Care Series, Season 2, Application 4

As a theater dedicated to contemporary forms of representation, however, we do not want to miss out on the carnival period. On the contrary. Like last year, Schmitt & Schulz once again decided to make a courageous attempt to create a carnival performance. Following on from last year’s motto “One two three foolishness or Helau for beginners” this year’s carnival Sunday is called “Helau for the advanced”.
Once again, the various elements and formats of the carnival, such as the procession, the meeting, the oratory speech, the costumes, the masquerades and the parades, are tested for their performative qualities, this time on an even tougher test stand. The audience can look forward to the extraordinary and alternative program for the “Meenzer Fassenacht”.
Starting at 5pm: Krebbelbuffet in the large foyer downstairs at the pad

pad mainz